Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Custom Magnets

Most people do not associate custom magnets with advertising.  However, when you think about it, they are one of the best marketing tools around.  They are lightweight and have the capability to hold any design.  In addition, they provide permanent advertising for one’s business.  When a customer places the magnet on their refrigerator, they are always reminded of what your company has to offer.  The same is also true if they are given to employees, especially during corporate affairs.  Their subconscious mind will also remember your company and respond appropriately.  This could mean improved morale, at least on a small scale.

Also keep in mind that custom magnets are not limited to the stereotypical refrigerator magnet that people use to post notes and pictures.  While such use is quite common, custom magnets can also be turned into business cards.  When used in this manner, the magnet can be permanently affixed on the side of a desk or other piece of furniture.  As a result, business contacts will have no problems remembering your phone number or email address.  They can also add their own personal notes, as magnets of this nature have the same texture as whiteboards.  This means you can write on them with a marker and erase your scribbling with a paper towel or a whiteboard eraser.

As far as the cost, custom magnets are relatively inexpensive thanks to innovations in graphic design.  On top of that, the materials used to create custom magnets are very cheap, as they tend to cost just a few cents.  In fact, the materials for five magnets would cost less than a dollar.  The printing is also cheap, as it requires less extensive imaging technology.  It also works pretty quickly, which ensures there is a fast turnaround of magnets.  Sometimes they can even be produced overnight, though the usual wait time is about a week.  Once you provide your design, it is sent to the company’s computer and processed automatically.  You do not have to wait hours and hours for a file transfer, nor do you have to mail off your images.  With today’s Internet, you have the ability to upload your images within minutes.

It should also be noted that most custom magnet companies can create magnets of any size.  This is particularly important for businesses that are interested in rare custom earth magnets.  These unusual magnets have a very powerful charge, making them useful for many applications.  For marketing, they create a more exotic magnet.  Magnets shaped into figurines are an example.  Since figurines are bigger, a more powerful magnetic charge is needed to keep them in place.  True, a rare custom earth magnet will cost more money, but if rubber is used, the figure may lose its charge.  This is why many companies are more than willing to pay the higher price.  They know that in the long run their promotional magnets will last forever.